5/6/2013 0 Comments Babies, babies. babies!![]() What a busy weekend! We knew going into the weekend that the next batch of girls would begin having their babies but I never thought that we would be having two girls giving birth at the same time! Saturday was a beautiful and sunny day. Both Dixie and Donna were very restless and acting suspiciously like they were planning to have their babies but neither of them were showing signs of imminent delivery, so I just stayed close and kept an eye on them both. I was enjoying some shade and having a chat with a friend that was over when suddenly Donna began to push! I immediately jumped into action and helped her to deliver our first set of triplets! Donna blessed us with two beautiful girls and a gorgeous little boy! All 3 are healthy and so tiny! ![]() No sooner had I delivered the third kid, Dixie immediately started pushing!! Before I knew it, Dixie had delivered a huge buckling followed very quickly by a doeling! Both are the spitting image of their Mom and are also very healthy and strong. I am so thankful that all babies and both Mom's are doing well. It was an eventful afternoon, one that our good friend Kevin may never forget as he was quickly thrust into the role of Doula to assist me with the deliveries. I am happy and proud to say that Kevin did awesome and was not the least bit squeamish! With all the excitement over and all the new Mom's and babies tucked into their nice clean pens, we enjoyed a fabulous steak BBQ! It was a perfect end to a wonderful day! We still have Carmela and Mimi due to kid this week to ensure I continue to get no rest! We are at 13 babies and counting! 3 more Mom's to kid and I can't wait to see how many babies we end up with!
Just a few more days and I will be done with school work for the rest of the summer! I can't even begin to explain how exciting that it for me! August is shaping up to be a crazy busy month, with
multiple trips to Toronto and driving the kids around for work, so I guess for that reason alone it will be nice to not have school assignments to worry about as well. Daniel finally secured himself a job! He had suffered from some serious let downs earlier this month when he was hired at a local camp, then laid off the same day, then rehired a few days later, then told he wasn't needed again after all. Seriously, some people have no hearts at all! The good news is, with perseverance and a good show of initiative he was hired at East Side Mario's last night! He went in for a trial shift and was hired almost immediately. It is nice to see him smile with accomplishment again. We have finally decided that Trixie, who we were told was bred when we got her - was in fact either not bred or had a false pregnancy. Strangely enough though, we think she is still pregnant but it would be by our Shaemus instead of an unknown buck. As we were told she was bred we didn't worry too much about mingling the herd while we finished some fencing earlier this year. She is still happy and active and growing everyday! I'm going to have to have a conversation with our vet about all this though to see if we can determine when she would be due now. We are also having a sneaking suspicion that Dixie has also been bred by Shaemus. What a busy little man he has been! It seems too much to hope for babies after all this time has been passed with waiting already, but I just can't help myself! We want baby goats!!! |
![]() “Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”
- Anatole France Archives
December 2016
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