9/21/2020 1 Comment Shift the energy, maintain focus.Mood. That's how I best describe this past week. Something about the times keeps me feeling like I can't ever fully relax or let my guard down. Shifts are occurring everywhere. In nature, in communities, countries and individuals themselves are shifting. Lines are being drawn, old belief systems are being tested. The world at times appears in chaos. For me this year, a common resonating theme is that you can't become complacent in life. You need to be ready for anything, and to grow you have to learn to adapt. I keep telling myself "Change the plan, not the goal!" This year has thrown more challenges at each and every one of us than we could ever have been prepared for. Hopefully everyone is finding ways to find balance, solace and comfort in your own daily lives. Self care is especially important when we are facing challenging times. If we aren't able to look after ourselves, how can we expect to be at our best, or be there for others? I try to tell myself this often as I work out my own issues with lack of self love. If I stay focused on what speaks to my heart, I tend to come out on the right side of things. If I remain open, I am always in awe of the messages and support that come. This past week I have been visited by a Great Blue Heron multiple times - and in some rather odd and unusual places, like up in the trees. I have grown to believe that there are no coincidences in life, and that everything happens for a very specific reason. When I have an unusual encounter with nature, I pay attention, as I believe in the innate wisdom in all things. Like with my daily Blue Heron visitor for example, I spend time contemplating the wisdom they share. The Heron as a spirit guide reminds us to stand for what we believe in, and to follow your heart no matter what disapproval or judgement that may come your way. I am grateful for the reminders to stay grounded, balanced and to always stand tall and proud, especially if I'm in uncomfortable surroundings. That sure sounds like 2020! Do you ever become stuck? Like either in life, or even in your head? Thought patterns and processes can become ingrained patterns and cycles that become hard to break free from. Through the FEEL Approach, I have learned that in order to shift the mood, you often need to shift the energy state you're in. By "shifting", I mean to change the element or environment, and by doing so I allow myself the opportunity for a new perspective or approach. For example, if I am depressed and feeling lost, I take a few moments to do a Heart Breath and I am able to refocus and find ways to move forward - even baby steps are forward movement. If I am feeling overwhelmed, I will go outside and put my bare feet directly on the ground for a few minutes (even in the snow). Walking barefoot connects me to my body almost instantly. The thoughts that were clouding my head moments before seem to disperse the moment I am able to ground myself. There are many things one can do to create an energetic shift in your day, or even in your life by adopting new practices. Making the choice is the first step. I recommend exploring as many ways as you can to find what works for you. We all need different things at different times too, so don't be afraid to mix it up. Sometimes I need music, but at other times I need silence. I try to find an outlet that fits the mood in the moment. I find the best experiences have come when I pushed myself outside my comfort zone and done something completely new. It's almost like the fear of the unknown allows me to capture a pure moment where I can really learn about myself. Turns out I'm a lot braver than I ever knew. The herd is having to adapt to a shift in living situation this week. Thelma the donkey has a hoof issue requiring treatment, which means she is off pasture for the rest of the year. This means she is up at the goat barn and needs to try to learn how to make friends with the goats. Neither Thelma or the goats are happy with this change as it makes them feel vulnerable. No matter who (or what) you are, being vulnerable can be extremely difficult as it opens us up to potential outcomes that may be unpleasant including judgement or rejection. That is only one possible outcome though. Being vulnerable can also open you up to new possibilities, opportunities for growth or change, and most importantly to learn about yourself. I am currently facing some things in both my business and personal life that are causing this uncomfortable but necessary emotion. I am sure that many are feeling vulnerable these days as the stresses of 2020 really set in. My work with horses through the FEEL program taught me that only through experiencing moments of vulnerability can we truly learn about ourselves and grow. In the time since bringing the FEEL Approach into my life, I have experienced the biggest gains and continued to expand, all by learning to understand and embrace my emotions in new ways. As uncomfortable as some emotions can be, they are all essential and important, a built in survival guide to life. Our emotions are the vital link between mind/body/spirit that guide us daily. Personally I have found that as my emotional intelligence has grown, my life has gained more meaning and purpose, as I learn to live from my heart, and stay focused on being true to myself. With each hurdle I face down this year, I get smarter, stronger, more determined than ever. With a great deal of hard work and many 2020 challenges faced, I will be making an announcement about the availability of my upcoming workshop series soon. Sadly there is one more bump in the road to traverse first, but if all goes well, fall will be a very exciting time at the farm. Please send your positive energy and love for it all to work out ❤ In gratitude, appreciation and love, ~ Angee P.S. Sorry for the shorter post this week, however with the beautiful weather of Indian Summer upon us it is time to make hay!
1 Comment
Joanne and Peter
9/21/2020 06:29:58 pm
Wow! You sure no how to pack a whole lot of wisdom into a "shorter post this week!!!" Many of your thoughts fit right in to what I am experiencing. My sense of "stuckness" just today was released by my willing to be a bit vulnerable and daring to reach out for some supportive conversation. I am now feeling hope and some excitement about the new insights I have been given and new possibilities emerging. Thank you Angee for being there for us!
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